  CROWN ST. (203) 772-1944  |  WHITNEY AVE. (203) 865-4845  |  MADISON (203) 421-2727     
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Return Policy

Orders may be canceled at any time before they have been shipped (pertaining to orders shipped via FedEx) or delivered (pertaining to orders delivered via The Wine Thief). An order is considered shipped once it has been picked up by FedEx or dropped off at a FedEx location. An order is considered delivered once it has been loaded on our delivery van and the van has left The Wine Thief.

At The Wine Thief, we try to make the return process as seemless as possible.

If you have received the wrong item we will issue a full refund including any shipping or delivery fees. Examples of the wrong item are: it is literally not the item you ordered, it is not the correct size you ordered, or it is the wrong vingtage.

To start the return process, you may contact us by email or phone. Please email or call 203.772.1944.